Stated Communication: 1ST and 3RD Tuesdays at 7:30, Dinner at 6:30...

A Brothers Wisdom

see another random quote

Master of Beach Lodge No. 354 for 2025

WB Steve Austin, PM Worshipful Master
Installed Worshipful Master of Beach Lodge January, 2025 

Beach Lodge N.O. 354

Welcome to Beach Lodge!

Freemasonry is kindness in the home, honesty in business, courtesy in society, fairness in work, pity and concern for the unfortunate, resistance towards the wicked, help for the weak, trust in the strong, forgiveness for all, love in one another and above all reverence and love for the Supreme Architect of the Universe.

We who travel these pages are searching for higher enlightenment. Enjoy your travels and relax with the assurance that you are now in the hands of true and trusted friends on whose fidelity you can with the utmost confidence rely.

Freemasonry is the oldest, largest Fraternity in the world. Its members have included Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Statesmen, Generals, Admirals, Supreme Court Chief Justices, corporate CEOs, opera stars, movie stars, and probably, your next door neighbor.

Masonry is always ready to welcome good men into the Fraternity. It's ready to welcome you.


Starting in the Middle Ages, a Masonic trestle board was a design board that the Master Workman (architect) used to draw his plans and designs upon to give the stonemasons on a project an outline of each days’ work to be performed. In today’s terms, we might instead call it a “blueprint“.

Today, that same term, now referred to as a “Trestleboard“, is a newsletter, usually published monthly for the members of Masonry, providing news, inspiration and direction. 

Service & Commitment

By: W:. Doughlas M. Setzer, 5/2/2023

Beach Lodge members and visitors in attendance

Canaveral Lodge Visit

The Worshipful Master and Several Members of Canaveral Lodge visited Beach Lodge. They were formally welcomed by Beach Lodge Worshipful Master Stephen Austin. The stated communication proceeded after the social hour.  Brotherly love, comradery, and fellowship was enjoyed in the best traditions of Free Masonry.

Beach Lodge No. 354 Calendar


  "Within proper bounds, Masons may and should welcome publicity. A secret society is one which seeks to conceal its existence and its objects. Freemasonry is not such a society and is secret only as to the obligations, means of recognition, ballots upon candidates and forms and ceremonies observed in conferring degrees. With the exception of those particulars, Masonry has no reservations from the public. As to everything else -- its design, its moral and religious tenets and the doctrines taught by it, the time and place of its meetings, the names of the officers of a Lodge and those belonging to it -- are all in no way secret and may be known by any one."  


"Every crime against our laws, every sin against decency and morality, every sharp practice against square dealing in business,is a serious reflection on the Masonic Lodge,in the neighborhood in which it is committed. Masonry should not take the pure principles of morality and preserve them in the walled up seclusion of lodge halls, like as we preserve fruit and vegetables and keep them in dark cellars for our own use; but our lodges and our lives should be as lighthouses, blazing out the truths of right living, to bless the community, state and nation, in which we have our being." (Milton Winham, P.G.M., Arkansas).

Masonic Educational Materials

Since one cannot truly become a Master Mason without first learning what those words mean - both in the figurative and philosophical sense - we would do ourselves a great disservice by remaining ignorant to the underlying teachings of Masonry. In becoming scholars, we learn that all things are possible. Follow this link to masonic educational materials .

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We will reply as soon as possible


7:30 PM - 1st & 3rd Tuesdays


1550 N. Hwy A1A
Indialantic, FL 32903




    If interested in becoming a Mason contact the secretary